Last weekend, we had a super time visiting Strong Beer Festival hosted by Fanø Bryghus. This was our first time on Fanø island, so aside from going there the first time, we were really happy to add another “first” to our festival list AND this was our 1st festival in 2023, so there are a lot of first ones to follow!
We were positively surprised by the variety of strong beers presented and the good atmosphere in the location. Our sales team, Carmen and Eva, were probably the only foreigners there, but as all our Danish customers are really friendly, we knew that it was going to be a fun festival.
Our goal was to meet and talk to new breweries and better understand the Danish craft beer culture even more, plus get a real sense of their current situations, and things they value to see where Wisby can best help the Danish breweries. Thanks to the connections we made, we now know that Denmark is definitely a market, where we can help breweries, the same way we have in Sweden, so we will give our best effort to deliver the Wisby effect to the Danish brewers too!