Delivering beer labels in 8 days. The Swedish case study.

Systembolaget deadline is in 3 weeks, can you produce our labels in 2 weeks?” This is something we hear a lot, when talking to new customers in Sweden.

When we entered the Swedish market, it was clear that speed and quality were the key elements to the breweries. We heard that they usually had 2 options:
1) fast delivery, but poor quality
2) good quality, but long production time.

Neither of which actually meets all their requirements, especially when they have the Systembolaget order deadline in 3 weeks and need to get those beers on the shelves ASAP. That’s a pretty short deadline and needs a really fast and reliable partnership with the label provider to avoid labelling to become the final bottleneck and obstacle to sales.

How to deliver labels in 8 days

It’s actually pretty simple:
1) Order online. The order reaches us instantly and is already pre-confirmed, meaning price, size, quantity, details are all clear and ready to go. You save a huge amount of time by ordering online and we know that the pricing is suitable, skipping over the traditional sales and negotiation that takes a lot of time.
2) Agreements with partners. Wisby orders need to be printed fast and we have certain agreements with partners that guarantee fast response and production time.
3) Reliable logistics partners. We rely on strong logistics partners like HRX, DHL, UPS and DSV to handle the final part of delivering labels. Thanks to strong cooperations, we know that we can be sure the labels are delivered safe and fast.

If you place an order via, the data reaches us instantly. You don´t have to wait 2-3 days until the printer finds it from the mailbox and has time to reply with a price, which you’d then have to confirm too, taking extra 1-2 days to actually put the order into production. That´s 3-5 days of just waiting.

How to guarantee good quality

We have set a high standard for our production partners and this is something we have always kept as priority when onboarding new printing partners. In addition to that we inspect the labels before shipping to the customer. We do the standard checklist inspection to avoid any unpleasant surprises that might occur. If there is something not quite right, we want to be the first ones to find quality issues and reach solutions with the printers! If the standard is met and everything is good, we ship it straight to the brewery.

Calculate your price and order online to win time: